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Change Course – Vote Lisa Austin for Mayor


Change Course – Vote Lisa Austin for Mayor

Candidate Lisa Austin releases study results


Lisa Austin's campaign releasing results of a surveying conducted by her campaign, named the "Grassroots Survey."

Jordan Lander, survey director, says, "What we found was 22 percent said yes they would vote for Lisa Austin on May 16th and 24 percent said no. That's actually pretty good, which would suggest Lisa would be in the lead because that's amongst six other candidates running against her. So 24 percent divided into those six."

Austin’s Grassroots Survey shows Primary Contest for Mayor Largely Undecided


Mayoral candidates Merski and Breneman have released poll and survey results that show favorable conclusions to the Democratic Primary race for Mayor. However, numbers are inconsistent between each. For example: Breneman’s survey reported 64% of the voters were undecided, whereas Merski’s poll reported 9% of voters were undecided.

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